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Cape Tribulation coastline |
We had set off early in the morning from Cairns and drove up to Cape Tribulation. Arriving there, we wait at a hostel where we are to meet our guide for our sea kayaking session. Soon a minivan turns into the driveway and out jumps our guide. He's fairly average in height and build, with an all year round tan wearing a relaxed outfit of boardies and a t-shirt. Our guide introduces himself to us. His name is Stewie and he's got a friendly and easygoing demeanor. Stewie ushers us into the minivan and off we set. During the drive through the rainforest to our kayaking location, Stewie tells us about the history and ecology of the area. I remember him telling us about the native free-roaming boars in the area. If you ever come across one, be very careful and don't make sudden movements. If the boar decides to come after you, run for your life!! Or get to higher ground as these guys are fast and strong, and if they catch up to you, you're sure to have your stomach torn out by their tusks. Hmmm OK, so I don't want to get out of the minivan now.
Soon Stewie turns off the main and only road in the rainforest and drives through the trees into a clearing. We are then lead through the rainforest to the beach where the kayaks are. During this walk, Stewie tells us about his morning kayak.
'Sometimes when I'm walking through this area, I come across a crocodile. That's when you need to be careful and quiet.'
Ummm ok. Keeping my eye out for crocs now.
'We're actually near the location where Steve Urwin was snorkling and got stabbed by the Manta Ray. I haven't really seen any Manta Rays recently so we should be pretty safe,' Stewie continues.
Right. Try not to fall out of the kayak.
'I did see a shark earlier today when I went out for a morning kayak. But they're small and pretty harmless.'
Definitely do not fall out of the kayak.
'I also saw some Cassowaries this morning, which are native to this area. So we should be able to spot some this afternoon during our session. It'll be awesome!' Stewie concludes as we arrive at the beach.
On the beach, we see an array of kayaks set up. This is basically where Stewie stores his kayaks. No sheds, no chains and padlock, because who's going to steal them? Before we start kayaking, we go through a short training session on how to paddle and safety instructions. This is when I notice a strange characteristic. As Stewie goes through the procedures, I notice that he's winking. Alot. Is he flirting? Is there something in his eye. As I listen and ponder, I notice that both eyes are doing it. Ohhhh he's got crazy eyes!! My first encounter. I look at my girlfriend and notice that she's noticed it too. It starts to become distracting as his eyes constantly twitch and wink. We practice using the paddles in the air as Stewie corrects our technique and soon we're ready to go to sea!
We pick up our paddles and in pairs carry out 2 kayaks. As we approach the water, Stewie calls for us to stop where we are, drops the kayak and runs out ahead. We're not exactly sure what's going on, but soon he comes back and explains he though he saw a shadow of a Manta Ray up ahead on the sand banks and ran to double check. Luckily, he was mistaken. Phew.
In a short time we've launched ourselves onto the water and start paddling around the coastline. I'm paired up with my friend K and my girl friend L is kayaking with Stewie. K and I have trouble paddling in sync with each other. I still blame it on K's sad attempt to paddle in time with me as I was sitting in front and could not see him, while he's at the back and should be stroking in time with me. We constantly drifted out to sea and had to paddle hard to get back towards the coastline. At the time, it was frustrating, but looking back now, it was pretty funny.
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The native Cassowaries getting friendly |
The kayaking session lasted 2 hours. During this time, we spotted an eagle or hawk perched on a rotted tree trunk on top of a cliff with what looked like a snake dangling from its beak. We were probably 100 to 200 metres away and even from that distance the bird was measuring at 30cm tall, so imagine how big it would be up close! It was pretty amazing to see a Bird of Prey in its natural habitat. As we paddled back towards the beach, there was still no Cassowary in sight. Stewie was still optimistic. 'We'll see one soon guys! I just know it!'
Eventually, the kayaking session ends and we paddle back onto the beach. Later on, L tells me that as they neared the sand. She had heard Stewie mutter, 'Stupid bird.' The poor guy was so disappointed that we didn't get to see any Cassowaries. We jump out into the water, and drag the kayaks back onto land and store it back with all the other kayaks.
When we first walked out to the beach, we were all keeping our feet as clean as we could in our thongs. But after having been in the water and getting wet, we happily trampled back through the rainforest to the minivan barefooted. As we squelched our way through the mud, Stewie turns around and looks at L and I and comments, 'It's pretty sexual isn't it?' I didn't know what to say. I was a little confused about what he was refering to. However L replied, ' I guess the mud is getting in between our toes and stuff but I wouldn't say it felt sexual.' Ohhh he's talking about the mud. What?
We get back to the clearing and K announces that he needs to pee. Stewie decides he needs to as well and they both head into the bush. I yell out, 'Remember, more than 3 shakes is a wank,' to which Stewie replies, 'If I need a wank, I'll let you know!'
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Stewie with a freshly hacked coconut |
Out of no where, Stewie pulls out a machete and starts hacking at a coconut. What the funk?!?! Where the hell did that machete come from? Should we be worried. L and I give each other a puzzled look. Stewie hacks off the top of a coconut and hands it to us to try. It's delicious!! We finish off the coconut - juice and flesh - and after a few minutes rest, get ushered back into the minivan.
On the drive back onto the main road, Stewie stops outside of a steel shed, turns around and asks, 'Do you want some abos?' and then jumps out of the van and runs off.
The three of us look at each other confused. Did he just say he was getting some abos? What? That's what he said right. Did you hear abo as well?
After a few minutes, Stewie climbs back into the driver seat with a handful of Avocados. Ohhhhhhhhh he said Avos!!! Short for Avocados!
During the short drive back to the hostel where we met Stewie, he tells us about how he would go to Port Douglas and drop into the Hostels there and look for volunteers to go on a paddling trip with him on his outrigger from Port Douglas to Cape Tribulation. He tells us of how he'll convince drunken backpackers on a Friday night to head out with him. In their inebriated state, these volunteers think its a marvellous idea! They would head out in the evening and start paddling to Cape Tribulation in their drunken state. It takes a good part of the day to paddle the distance and as these volunteers start to sober up, they realise the painful decision they've made, and being in the middle of the ocean, they have no choice but to keep paddling.
We arrive back at the hostel and bid farewell to our very interesting and memorable kayak guide. Stewie is definitely a character and he was the highlight of our trip in Cairns. When I go back Cairns and Cape Tribulation, I would love to look him up and do another kayaking trip with him.
I would also recommend him to anyone who does travel to the area. Stewie works with the company Paddle Trek Cape Tribulation Sea Kayaking. Look him up on the link below. Just don't tell him I said he's got crazy eyes!
Note: These photos don't belong to me. Having lost any photos I have from the trip, these were found online. Yes, I did consciously choose a photo of Cassowaries mating.
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